TFD Hook and Ladder Academy Application

Fill out this form to apply to the Hook and Ladder Academy.



These instructions are provided as a guide to assist you in properly completing your application. It is essential that the information be accurate in all respects. It will be used as a basis for a criminal history check that will determine your eligibility for participation in the Thornton Hook and Ladder Academy. All information on this application will be kept confidential.

  1. Answer all questions to the best of your ability.
  2. If a question is not applicable to you, enter N/A in the space provided.
  3. An accurate and complete form will expedite the criminal history check of your application.

Application Procedures

To ensure a seat in the Hook and Ladder Academy, please complete the following application / registration process.

  1. Application: Once your application has been received and processed you will be notified of the application results.
  2. Letter of Acceptance: Once your application has been processed and, if accepted, you will be emailed a letter of acceptance / confirmation. This letter will provide you with the beginning date, time, and location of the parent meeting and first class. All correspondence will be done through email. Please make sure current and correct email addresses are provided.

Applicant Advisory

Due to the sensitive nature of some subjects being presented in the Thornton Hook and Ladder Academy, a criminal history background check will be conducted on all individuals applying for attendance into the Academy. Individuals found to possess a criminal history will be individually evaluated as to the appropriateness of their attendance in the Academy.

Attendance by individuals possessing a felony conviction will be denied. The Thornton Fire Department reserves the right to deny attendance based upon adverse criminal history information, or for any other reason.


Example: 9500 Civic Center Dr, Thornton, CO 80229

If you have ever been arrested or convicted for any offense, add an entry for each offense.

Approximate Date Police Agency Circumstances
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Are you now, or have you ever been, addicted to the use of any narcotics, drug, or alcohol? If yes, please explain.
Are you now, or have you ever been, on probation for any offense? If yes, please explain.
Have you ever been arrested for, or convicted of a felony crime? If yes, please explain.
Are you now, or have you ever been, under any restraining orders from any court?

I would like to participate in the Thornton Fire Department's Hook and Ladder Academy. I am hereby advised that as a participant, I may have access to facilities, areas and equipment not available to the general public. I also know that there will be physical training.

I hereby certify that all statements made in this application are true and complete. I understand that any misstatements of facts will subject me to disqualification. I also understand that the acceptance of my application does not guarantee my selection to attend the Hook and Ladder Academy.

I hereby give the Thornton Fire Department authorization to use the information provided in this application to determine my qualification for the Hook and Ladder Academy. This process may include, but not limited to, a criminal history check.