Citizen Police Academy
Application for Admission
Applicant Advisory
Due to the sensitive nature of some subjects being presented in the Thornton Police Citizens’ Academy, a criminal history background check will be conducted on all individuals applying for attendance into the Academy. Individuals found to possess a criminal history will be individually evaluated as to the appropriateness of their attendance in the Academy.
Attendance by individuals possessing a felony conviction will be denied. The Thornton Police Department reserves the right to deny attendance based upon adverse criminal history information, or for any other reason
Academy Application Procedures
To ensure a seat in the Citizens Police Academy, please complete the following application. Once your application has been submitted, a member of the Community Engagement Team will reach out to you via email. If you have any questions, please contact the Community Engagement Team at 720 977-5000 or
Application for Enrollment
Applicant MUST BE 18 years of age or older to apply. Incomplete and/or unsigned applications will not be considered.